Sunday, January 22, 2006

Some favorites

Lest you think I am only interested in casual sex, here are a few links to some articles about Natural Family Planning (a.k.a. "NFP") --the antithesis to casual sex. It is regimented. It is unspontaneous. It is anything but casual.

The first is an article by my much beloved friend Claire. I have great respect for Claire because she is the only friend I know who has the courage to practice NFP faithfully and without exception simply because she believes in the principle of it:

The second is a review by my most kindred pal Laura. Laura studies great protestant theologians like Oliver O'Donovan and other obscure and brilliant writers from times past. (Whoops, my husband just told me O'Donovan is still alive. What do I know?) She makes me feel smarter just knowing her. Although to be fair, I must say I feel the same way about Claire. Oh, and p.s., Laura sounds like a Catholic in this piece but she isn't.

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